The starting price for Volvo vehicles in India is Rs 56.10 Lakh for the entry-level model, the EX40, while the most premium model, the XC90, begins at Rs 1.01 Crore. Volvo’s lineup in India includes five models, with four categorized as SUVs and one as a sedan. Additionally, the company has two forthcoming models, the EX30 and EX90.
Volvo Cars operates as a subsidiary of the Swedish automotive manufacturer Volvo, which was established in 1927 and is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden. The brand was acquired by the Geely Automotive group in 2010.
In India, Volvo Auto has an assembly facility situated on the outskirts of Bengaluru, Karnataka. The current product range includes the S60, S90, V90 Cross Country, XC40, XC60, and XC90.
The Volvo XC90 is offered in a Plug-In Hybrid (PHEV) variant, which is the sole hybrid model available from the company. The performance division, Polestar, introduced an all-electric vehicle named Polestar 2 in February 2019. During the same month, Volvo announced a new series of hybrid engines that will be integrated into its entire model lineup in the future.
Volvo Cars Price List (December 2024) in India
The price range for Volvo cars starts at Rs. 56.10 Lakh and extends to Rs. 1.01 Crore (average ex-showroom). The prices for the five most popular Volvo models are as follows: Volvo XC90 at Rs. 1.01 Crore, Volvo S90 at Rs. 68.25 Lakh, Volvo XC60 at Rs. 69.90 Lakh, Volvo EX40 at Rs. 56.10 Lakh, and Volvo C40 Recharge at Rs. 62.95 Lakh.
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